Daniel Frishberg

Learn from Dan known as The MoneyMan. Dan’s holistic approach to investing and trading, begins with his patented MARKET XRAY, which accurately analyzes real-time supply and demand, then adds the macroeconomic insights for which he is well known.

None of us living today have ever seen so many opportunities to build generational wealth. Our chance to change our families’ lives forever is just now opening for us in this burgeoning, worldwide recovery. That rebuild is now picking up steam in America, and spreading all over the planet.

All of this is in near perfect sync with an unstoppable digital transformation, bigger and more impactful than the industrial revolution or the invention of the printing press! And all of it is powered by inventions born right here in the USA.

Most modern Americans will watch from the sidelines, wondering how they missed out, and then complain about how “unfair” our system is. 

But the truth is, all you need to claim your share of this once-in500-years license to print money is a little self-confidence, a little courage, and the skills you’ve been wishing you havd. You can learn about how to acquire those skills for FREE right here!

Dan’s holistic approach to investing and trading, begins with his patented MARKET XRAY, which accurately analyzes real-time supply and demand, then adds the macroeconomic insights for which he is well known. With these tools, he has helped prepare his subscribers and students around the world for major economic and market turning points for more than twenty years. The professional firms that utilize his research have excelled as have his private students.

Dan's Market Prediction

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Inner Circle

Every Tuesday night at 8pm EST, Dan updates his forecast for the economy and explains how that affects investors, especially via current supply and demand for stocks and bonds. 

Dan's MoneyMachine

5 Online Course with Dan.
A Stock Accumulation Plan. You will enjoy learning how to make money in the stock market and techniques on how to pick the right stocks.

The MoneyMan Report Podcast

Available on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Buzzsrout, Google Podcast and more.
Daily at 10:00am Eastern Time

Guiding you to a future of financial security.

We offer an extraordinary STOCKS MASTER CLASS that promises to change your life forever and we provide lessons for people to learn how to invest using our proprietary techniques designed to minimize risk while dramatically enhancing your returns.


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Here’s what our clients say…

I was surprised to see what high percentage results can be obtained with small dollar amounts while learning. I look forward to additional “AH-HA” moments that I am sure will occur from Dan’s classes.”

David Tybor

I have doubled my money in about 2 months using dans strategies with options and taken profits. The leverage you get with these options are incredible!! Thank you dan and elisea for sharing all your wisdom. God bless you both”

Bob Hughes

Dan’s inner circle is awesome. Nobody can peel back the layers of the market dynamics like Dan. I am pretty sure that is a lost art and is definitely worthy of the hall of fame for market analysis.

David Gensh

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